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» Impossible de se connecter
I Cannot Join! EmptySam 30 Mar 2024 - 7:58 par patroclo

» mesage d erreur
I Cannot Join! EmptyVen 7 Juil 2023 - 8:49 par LRF

» aide, gerard, je ne peux pas me conecter
I Cannot Join! EmptyJeu 18 Mai 2023 - 17:02 par ramonrapaz

» Panne serveur bridgez fin mai 2021
I Cannot Join! EmptyJeu 13 Avr 2023 - 11:39 par patatrack

» the pictures/icons are not shown.
I Cannot Join! EmptyLun 25 Avr 2022 - 7:46 par marioroter

» adhésion
I Cannot Join! EmptyJeu 14 Avr 2022 - 13:16 par dumby

» Connexion impossible
I Cannot Join! EmptyMer 30 Mar 2022 - 20:18 par Mamoune04

» "Joueur inconnu" quand je veux regarder les résultats d'une donne
I Cannot Join! EmptySam 29 Mai 2021 - 9:31 par stroumpfissime

» Information pour les nouveaux joueurs
I Cannot Join! EmptyDim 21 Mar 2021 - 10:59 par guilhot

17ème championnat du monde de bridge ur ordinateur
I Cannot Join! EmptyJeu 26 Sep 2013 - 4:32 par Gérard
A l’initiative d'Alan Truscott, organisée par la Fédération Mondiale de Bridge (WBF, Président José Damiani) conjointement avec la Fédération américaine (ACBL), sous la Direction d'Alvin …

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Objet du site - site purpose
I Cannot Join! EmptyLun 24 Aoû 2009 - 21:09 par Gérard
(for english see below)
Ce forum est relié à un site qui permet de jouer au bridge en ligne.
Ce site a plusieurs objectifs:
- permettre aux joueurs de jouer un très bon bridge à leur …

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Le FORUM Bridgez est né !!
I Cannot Join! EmptyJeu 20 Aoû 2009 - 9:54 par Admin
Le 25 Août 2009 à 01H23
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..........Vive le Bridge !

Bridgez: pour jouer au bridge gratuitement avec Wbridge5 !

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Visites depuis 31/10/2009
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Auteur Message

Messages : 30
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2010
Localisation : Wirral, England

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MessageSujet: I Cannot Join!   I Cannot Join! EmptyJeu 5 Juin 2014 - 12:24

I played here for a long time a few years ago but was too busy and left.  Now I try to rejoin and the registration works but I get no email to reply to so I can join.  I tried using another name and another email address and still I cannot join.

Also does not seem to be working, I either get 'no connection' or I get through after 10 minutes but can get no further.

I was a member as Doc (I think) and exchanged quite a few emails with Gerard while I was here.

My email is admin at  (replace ' at ' with @).  If admin causes a problem then docattack at will do. I look forward to playing again Smile

EDIT : I see that I am still a member of this forum but not a bridgez member!


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Messages : 277
Date d'inscription : 22/08/2009
Age : 83
Localisation : Paris 14ème

I Cannot Join! Vide
MessageSujet: Re: I Cannot Join!   I Cannot Join! EmptyDim 8 Juin 2014 - 10:46

Hello Doc!

For some unknown reason your account has been barred but the message which should inform you contained an error and was not found nor sent.
I just reinstall your rigths and it should work by now.

Happy to see you again!

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Messages : 30
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2010
Localisation : Wirral, England

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MessageSujet: Re: I Cannot Join!   I Cannot Join! EmptyDim 8 Juin 2014 - 12:16

Many thanks

All seems to work now!
I hope you are well and that Bridgez is being successful.

I am in the middle of setting up a teams training programme for a group of inexperienced teams players in our region and I'm organising a competition for players who only want to play in their clubs, never play in regional events - it has closed at 20 tables Smile So life is still full of bridge.

I will play here when I can, often not 16 hands but this is good fun and will keep me sharp. I am still playing all of the major events and really enjoying bridge at the moment.

I will try to get my french back again as well - my wife was a french teacher which will help!

Thanks again

Doc (Dave)
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Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 29/03/2016

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MessageSujet: Pas de connexion   I Cannot Join! EmptyMar 20 Fév 2018 - 14:30

Rien à faire: je n'arrive pas à accéder à la donne 1 depuis ce matin ?
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