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» Impossible de se connecter
Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud EmptySam 30 Mar 2024 - 7:58 par patroclo

» mesage d erreur
Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud EmptyVen 7 Juil 2023 - 8:49 par LRF

» aide, gerard, je ne peux pas me conecter
Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud EmptyJeu 18 Mai 2023 - 17:02 par ramonrapaz

» Panne serveur bridgez fin mai 2021
Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud EmptyJeu 13 Avr 2023 - 11:39 par patatrack

» the pictures/icons are not shown.
Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud EmptyLun 25 Avr 2022 - 7:46 par marioroter

» adhésion
Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud EmptyJeu 14 Avr 2022 - 13:16 par dumby

» Connexion impossible
Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud EmptyMer 30 Mar 2022 - 20:18 par Mamoune04

» "Joueur inconnu" quand je veux regarder les résultats d'une donne
Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud EmptySam 29 Mai 2021 - 9:31 par stroumpfissime

» Information pour les nouveaux joueurs
Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud EmptyDim 21 Mar 2021 - 10:59 par guilhot

17ème championnat du monde de bridge ur ordinateur
Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud EmptyJeu 26 Sep 2013 - 4:32 par Gérard
A l’initiative d'Alan Truscott, organisée par la Fédération Mondiale de Bridge (WBF, Président José Damiani) conjointement avec la Fédération américaine (ACBL), sous la Direction d'Alvin …

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Objet du site - site purpose
Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud EmptyLun 24 Aoû 2009 - 21:09 par Gérard
(for english see below)
Ce forum est relié à un site qui permet de jouer au bridge en ligne.
Ce site a plusieurs objectifs:
- permettre aux joueurs de jouer un très bon bridge à leur …

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Le FORUM Bridgez est né !!
Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud EmptyJeu 20 Aoû 2009 - 9:54 par Admin
Le 25 Août 2009 à 01H23
Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud 858740 Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud 684404 Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud 858740
..........Vive le Bridge !

Bridgez: pour jouer au bridge gratuitement avec Wbridge5 !

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Le record du nombre d'utilisateurs en ligne est de 333 le Mar 4 Mai 2021 - 22:06

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Visites depuis 31/10/2009
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LEGO® Icons 10329 Les Plantes Miniatures, Collection Botanique
39.59 € 49.99 €
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 Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud

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Messages : 277
Date d'inscription : 22/08/2009
Age : 82
Localisation : Paris 14ème

Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud Vide
MessageSujet: Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud   Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud EmptyDim 20 Sep 2015 - 6:05

Some browsers are not compliant with the HTTP 1.1 standard section 8

A campaign was launched to ask players who play on with an improper browser to change and opt for a respectful standard browser like Firefox, Chrome or Opera. These browsers are robust, reliable and free.

To change the browser, regardless of the medium on which you play, or tablet computer, it is still possible by typing their name in your current browser and launching research.
Normally, a page opens with links to various sites that will download them.
Preferably take the company website that produces the browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, OPERA OPERA.
Just follow the instructions, but if you choose another site be careful to download only the browser and not what you might be offered in addition.
Then follow the instructions for installation.

When you launch this new browser, it will realize that it is not the default browser and will ask you if you agree to make it as default.
You will then either accept or refuse.

What are the consequences of this choice?
A default browser is the one that opens when you click a link.
For example, if you answer yes, then the following link this will open the home page in the new browser again, not in the former.

But doing this, as you have change browser, you will be required to provide the password for each new site you are visiting ....

Note: If your browser does not retain the password, one must then seek to go to settings and tick the option 'remember password'.

On an iPad you can download some browser from the Apple Store.

Finally, for your general knowledge, the difference between a browser and a search engine:
A browser is an application that fetches a web page at a specified location (indicated by a link in a document, a web page, this place is called url for "uniform resource location") whereas a search engine is an application which runs in a browser and from keywords will search a list of url likely to respond to the request.
It is in general when opening a browser, it presents in its homepage a search engine which encourages confusion. Moreover, some as SAFARI not make the difference.
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Switch to another browser to play On the Cloud

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