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17ème championnat du monde de bridge ur ordinateur
Wbridge5 fooling around his human partner-South!!!!!!! EmptyJeu 26 Sep 2013 - 4:32 par Gérard
A l’initiative d'Alan Truscott, organisée par la Fédération Mondiale de Bridge (WBF, Président José Damiani) conjointement avec la Fédération américaine (ACBL), sous la Direction d'Alvin …

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Wbridge5 fooling around his human partner-South!!!!!!! EmptyLun 24 Aoû 2009 - 21:09 par Gérard
(for english see below)
Ce forum est relié à un site qui permet de jouer au bridge en ligne.
Ce site a plusieurs objectifs:
- permettre aux joueurs de jouer un très bon bridge à leur …

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Le FORUM Bridgez est né !!
Wbridge5 fooling around his human partner-South!!!!!!! EmptyJeu 20 Aoû 2009 - 9:54 par Admin
Le 25 Août 2009 à 01H23
Wbridge5 fooling around his human partner-South!!!!!!! 858740 Wbridge5 fooling around his human partner-South!!!!!!! 684404 Wbridge5 fooling around his human partner-South!!!!!!! 858740
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 Wbridge5 fooling around his human partner-South!!!!!!!

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Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 18/05/2014

Wbridge5 fooling around his human partner-South!!!!!!! Vide
MessageSujet: Wbridge5 fooling around his human partner-South!!!!!!!   Wbridge5 fooling around his human partner-South!!!!!!! EmptyMar 9 Fév 2016 - 4:26

hi all good players,
what happend yesterday,Lundi 08/02/2016, proves that machine plays
dishonestly and in favour of her idiotic brothers: east-west

in board number 10 ( TDJ080216 Board no10 )

east-west were playing out 3 hearts contract doubled
when trick number 5 started to be played out, happened this:
east leads 2 of heart, south having Ace, 8, 6 in hearts plays 6 of heart, west plays King of heart and
north!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!------- having Q and 3 of heart DISCARD TRUMP QUEEN, HA-HA-HA
WHAT right he has to do that if south declared double--- evidently to to save contract for east-west,
because when I made replay with the same auction and the same moves: east-west were 1 down
all right. You may say wbridge5 plays differently on replay and in a tournament board?!!!!!
no! This fooling around has become dull and uninteresting. If creators of this site think they made
smth intriguing- they are wrong. Wbridge5 never be playing the way jack plays. Looking into the
cards of all 4 players- this programme cannot play decently, only to steal points and give it to
east-west. I am 100 % sure that any two good players from this site( not me, I mediocre)
if they start to play against wbridge5 ( only by total points)- they beat the hell out of this machine

kind regards, and revise my board number 10
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