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  Jouer au bridge avec Wbridge5 !  
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» Impossible de se connecter
Use of alternative display EmptySam 30 Mar 2024 - 7:58 par patroclo

» mesage d erreur
Use of alternative display EmptyVen 7 Juil 2023 - 8:49 par LRF

» aide, gerard, je ne peux pas me conecter
Use of alternative display EmptyJeu 18 Mai 2023 - 17:02 par ramonrapaz

» Panne serveur bridgez fin mai 2021
Use of alternative display EmptyJeu 13 Avr 2023 - 11:39 par patatrack

» the pictures/icons are not shown.
Use of alternative display EmptyLun 25 Avr 2022 - 7:46 par marioroter

» adhésion
Use of alternative display EmptyJeu 14 Avr 2022 - 13:16 par dumby

» Connexion impossible
Use of alternative display EmptyMer 30 Mar 2022 - 20:18 par Mamoune04

» "Joueur inconnu" quand je veux regarder les résultats d'une donne
Use of alternative display EmptySam 29 Mai 2021 - 9:31 par stroumpfissime

» Information pour les nouveaux joueurs
Use of alternative display EmptyDim 21 Mar 2021 - 10:59 par guilhot

17ème championnat du monde de bridge ur ordinateur
Use of alternative display EmptyJeu 26 Sep 2013 - 4:32 par Gérard
A l’initiative d'Alan Truscott, organisée par la Fédération Mondiale de Bridge (WBF, Président José Damiani) conjointement avec la Fédération américaine (ACBL), sous la Direction d'Alvin …

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Objet du site - site purpose
Use of alternative display EmptyLun 24 Aoû 2009 - 21:09 par Gérard
(for english see below)
Ce forum est relié à un site qui permet de jouer au bridge en ligne.
Ce site a plusieurs objectifs:
- permettre aux joueurs de jouer un très bon bridge à leur …

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Le FORUM Bridgez est né !!
Use of alternative display EmptyJeu 20 Aoû 2009 - 9:54 par Admin
Le 25 Août 2009 à 01H23
Use of alternative display 858740 Use of alternative display 684404 Use of alternative display 858740
..........Vive le Bridge !

Bridgez: pour jouer au bridge gratuitement avec Wbridge5 !

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Blue Lock : où acheter le Tome 22 édition limitée du manga Blue ...
12 €
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 Use of alternative display

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Messages : 277
Date d'inscription : 22/08/2009
Age : 82
Localisation : Paris 14ème

Use of alternative display Vide
MessageSujet: Use of alternative display   Use of alternative display EmptyMar 1 Sep 2009 - 5:24

Another result display is now available. On top of being in english, it offers the following features.
It may be on the same computer than Wbridge5 or an other computer which has also access to the Internet: on can play on one computer and see the results on the other one.
The basic principle is build on multi window setup: there is one window for each specific information. so your screen may look as such:
Use of alternative display Multif10
One can all together see, on one screen (or many if available), Wbridge5 in order to play, the results, the roadmap and an arry displying the synthesis for the selected player.

Menu bar

Use of alternative display Barre_10
  1. Connection
    The first ime you wish to connect you will be requested to enter your email and password. Once done, if there is only one player using this display, it will connect automatically when launched. If there are many, then you can browse in order to select one.
  2. Play: will open the Wbridge5 in either mode: standard and full screen. This later mode is got in switching the screen resolution to 800x600 pixels. When closing either Wbridge5 or the display, the initial resolution of the screen will be restaured. When launched thru this menu, your convention sheet will be sent to the server which will show them to the other players on demand.
  3. commentaries: according to the displayed board, the number of posted commentaries will be displayed. This menu will allow to open a window with commentaries. In this window, if a player pseudo is selected then this will open a information window about what have done this player on that board.
    Use of alternative display Nom_se10
    It is possible to add one if wished. There is a dedicated tool bar for suit symbols, smileys, and font management.
    Internet link will be highlited and may establish a connection to the reference.
    Use of alternative display Barre_11
  4. View Board
    This menu item will open a new window with the major informations concerning a selected player on a given board.
    Use of alternative display Vision10
    In the upper part, hand diagram, in the middle the auction and the result and in the lower part the PAR of the deal.
    Two extra buttons may appeat on that window:

    • Cards to see how the player has done
    • Conv to display the conventions if known by the server

One can browse the players in selecting them in another window.
  • Played displays the list of all the tournament played yet.
  • Roadmap displays the result for each board of the tournament. Picking one board in this list will see all the opened windows to adjust their content to it.
  • to be done
  • Update: this item will show up only if the server has detected that your versionning of the program could be updated. You can choose to postpone, to do it at the end of the session or immediately. note that in taht case that windows requires all updating programs to be shut down.
  • Help: provides only information concerning the version.

  • Board results
    Juste au dessous de la barre de menu se trouve un tableau avec le résultat obtenu sur chaque donne.
    Use of alternative display Rasult10
    just below the menu bar are the results of the boards.
    One can browse the results selecting a Tab with a left click. Right click on a selected tab will display the comments.
    When you have had access to the comment, this is saved and the label of the tab will be in red. If there is a new comment on that board then a bubble will be attached to it. The above sample shows that you have already read the comments on board n°1 but some other comment has been added.
    The authors of comment are also pointed out with a bubble.
    The connected player has highlighted line in yellow which make it easy to spot.
    Another player can be selected: then he will be followed from board to board when browsing.
    Use of alternative display Vision11
    one can see how this player has played and also tosave his game.
    To do this, just right click and a menu will popup:
    Use of alternative display Menu_c10
    With this menu you can record all boards of the tournament, only the current board, to see it with a new instance of Wbridge5, or bridge Moniteur (if present on your computer). Finally, you can send an email to the player but be aware that your email we be released to him.
    (remind: one can also see the play of cards by clicking on cards see above)
    One can sort the columns of this array by clicking on the header line.

    Tournament result.
    Simple array with also a sorting facility..
    Use of alternative display Tourno10

    Status bar

    Miscellaneous information..

    Use of alternative display Barre_12

    please see the arrows enabling to get the next/following day.
    Double-clicking on the date will make a calendar accessible to pick directly a date.
    Use of alternative display Calend10
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    Use of alternative display

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